Outsourcing Services is a unit that is charged with meeting growing needs of Organizations in attracting, recruiting, managing and retaining qualified personnel in their workforce while focusing on their core operations.
We are convinced that our services will be of immense benefit to your organization/company. Our goal is to assist you in providing competent support service personnel within the shortest possible time and managing them at competitive rates.
Our services are specially designed to ensure your organization benefit in terms of:
Increased productivity i.e., better performing employees
Reduced Cost i.e., Overhead cost, worker compensation cost
Reduced time in recruitment circle cycle
Personnel can have pension facility
Personnel can have medical (HMO) facility
Drivers are trained in defensive driving
Drivers are provided with uniforms (clients’ specification)
Personnel are vetted (Optional)
Recruitment and specialized training. Our very rich database guarantees you reduced recruitment time. We have an up to-date/robust recruitment process with a wide range of qualified personnel to choose from in a wide range of categories, which includes but not limited to the following:
Our value propositions include the following:
screening process designed to carefully match candidate capabilities to your organization specific needs.